Home > St Andrew's Parish Church

St Andrew's Parish Church


St. Andrew’s Parish Church is the Church of England place of worship in the ecclesiastical parish of Wickham Skeith; it is part of a group of churches known as the "Bacton Benefice" which includes Bacton, Cotton, Wyverstone, Wickham Skeith, Old Newton and a chapel at Gipping.




St Andrew’s Church


Rev’d Stephen Snelling, Tailors Green House, Tailors Green, Bacton IP14 4LL

01449 782970    07775 833824  

Email - revstephen@tailorsgreenhouse.com


Wardens: Liz Davidson 766622 and Margaret Jones-Evans 767121



Services in May 2024

All services at 9.30am in church unless otherwise stated


May 5th                           Holy Communion

May 9th, Thursday  7.30pm  Ascension Day, Benefice Holy Communion at Bacton

May 12th               Café Church

May 19th              Holy Communion

May 26th              Morning Prayer

June 2nd               Holy Communion


Thank You! To everyone who made the church look so beautiful for Easter with flowers and decorations.

If you like jigsaws have you heard about Wyverstone’s Jigsaw Festival on 18th & 19th May, 10am – 4pm each day at Park Farm Wyverstone.

Weekly Email and News – if you’d like to sign up to receive our weekly news email, please contact the churchwardens.


St Andrew’s Church Flower & Cleaning Rota 


May 5th  Miss M Jones-Evans & Mrs A Palmer

May 12th & 19th  Mrs J Kemp & Mrs S Merriam

May 26th & June 2nd  Mrs M Rowe & Mrs S Wright




Church Notes From Rev’d Stephen


Summer approaches and so many of us have reason to smile! In our joy let us give thanks to God for all the things He has given us; but in our thankfulness, please let us all remember those who are facing a summer of change; perhaps without a loved one; maybe having had to move to another country as a refugee, leaving so much and so many people behind. This month we will be observing the Feast Day of Jesus’ Ascension on 9 May, as He is taken up into heaven to take His place at the right hand of the Father.

On 23rd May, we will be celebrating Pentecost which was the day when the outpouring of the Holy Spirit in Jerusalem brought people together of many nationalities and languages and united them. Despite all their different backgrounds, they were joined by their faith in Christ. People of different cultures found unity and understanding across the boundaries of language and tradition.

During May let us enjoy and delight in the new signs of life around us, not just in the nature we see but also in the creation of who we are as children of God. As Jesus called the disciples to follow Him, his love and delight for us has no boundaries. Let us follow Him and place our feet in His footsteps as He builds His Kingdom on earth as He builds in heaven.                                                          Revd. Stephen Snelling





Data Protection

Like every other organisation the church has to consider the data protection legislation, so St Andrew’s Church and the Bacton benefice need your permission before they keep your name and details on file. The information will be used to send the weekly pew sheet, to record you as a voting member of the church on the Electoral Roll, for the Rector to know who the members of the church are so he can visit and get to know you etc.

You may have received an email with a form to fill in, or a paper form dropped through your door. Do please fill one of these in if you would like to be involved with the Church in this village and send to our new Rector, the Rev’d Carl Melville. He is eager to get to know the people in the churches and villages in his new benefice.

If you haven’t had a form through your door or via email do please ask for one from Liz Davidson or Margaret Jones-Evans

Keep safe everyone – Margaret Jones-Evans