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Lunch Club




 Lunch Club

June was a very special month for Lunch Club as we celebrated our 20-year anniversary! Almost 40 people enjoyed a meal of jacket potatoes with all the fillings followed by lemon drizzle pudding prepared for us by Romaine Elsden and Jenny Harvey. Thanks for all their hard work!


Thanks must also go to Laura Hempstead who baked a wonderful Celebration cake.  Several people joined us who had been involved at the start and it was good to be able to read out a newspaper article written at the time of the club opening. Interestingly the cost 20 years ago was £2.50 for a 2-course meal with tea or coffee. I think we can say it is still a very good value 20 years later at £4 per meal.


The club welcomes residents of Wickham Skeith who are 55 years old or over. Partners of eligible members who are under 55 years old are also welcome as are friends or relatives staying with a member, if space is available.


Our next lunch is on Wednesday 10th July, and we gather in the village hall from 12 midday and dine at 12.30. The cost is £4 for a 2-course meal with Coffee or tea.  


If you wish to join us, please book a place by Friday 5th July.


To reserve a place please contact Jenny Elphick on her email jennymelphick@gmail.com  or by text on her mobile at 07745416091     Thanks










Annual report

To read our latest annual report please click here.