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31 January 2024

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As many of will be aware, there is a proposal to bring a new string of pylons from Norwich to Tilbury to carry the power that will be generated by a vast proposed array of turbines situated in the north sea.  The current route takes them down the western side of the village less than a mile from the village boundary.  As a result we will have pylons on both sides of the village.  

I think the new name for the project is the Great Grid Update. It is to bring the offshore wind farm power on line and then move it from Norwich to Tilbury where it is to be used. The public consultation is in 2024.

this is the link to the National Grid website about it. From here you can click on the Norwich to Tilbury plan



The Great Grid Upgrade

The Great Grid Upgrade is the largest overhaul of the electricity grid in generations. Our infrastructure projects across England and Wales are helping to connect more renewable energy to your homes and businesses.




Here is the link to the Hertiage Survey. https://forms.gle/a7iFEncM5zbpnCpc7


This is the link to the interactive map of the Visual impact of pylons on areas of interest.



This is the link to Pylons East Anglia website, where there is information of the campaign groups progress and what we can do to help.
