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St Andrews Flower Festival 2024

10 May 2024

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The theme of the festival this year was Telling Tales, and what wonderful and inventive displays were there for us to enjoy.  There was the usual competition of naming the book, song or poem to which each display related.  Nearly 100 people took part, but only one person got it absolutely right.  So, many congratulations to them.  As a result nearly £100 was raised for church funds.  

We would all like to thank all the contributors.  They are Margaret Knights, Mel Rowe, Romaine Elsden, Thelma Thorogood, Laura Hempstead, Tara Goodacre, Louise Reinders, Julie Keeble, Kevin Knights, Margaret Jones-Evans, Rachel Pyke, Jos Bryant and Judy Kemp.  

And if you're looking for the answers, well, please click on the Friends of St Andrews page where you will find pictures of all the displays together with the correct answers.