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Parish Council

The members of your Parish Council

Parish Councillors: 

Cllr Tim Thorogood  01449 766757

Cllr Thomas Rowe 01449 768693

Cllr Richard Palmer 01449 766484

Cllr Julie Keable

Cllr Amanda Noller

Clerk: Vacant


To view the Register of Interests for Parish Councillors, please go to the Babergh and Mid-Suffolk District Council Self Service form.  This is the link:   Parish Members Register of Interests



Parish Clerk Vacancy - Wickham Skeith


The Parish Council have a vacancy for the position of Parish Clerk.


This is a permanent, part-time position (14 hours per month) and you will need to attend 5 council meeting per year plus the occasional ad hoc meeting.


The main role is one of administrative support for the Parish Council and to give the Councillors advice on policy and legislation. Experience in the role would be preferred but is not essential. Training is available.


Further details can be found at www.salc.org.uk and go to the vacancies portal.


If you are interested, please send a CV and covering letter to wickhamskeithpc@hotmail.com or you can contact any one of the Parish Councillors if you would like to chat about the role.


Closing date for applications is 31 August 2024.


We look forward to hearing from you.


Julie Keable (Parish Councillor)     Tel: 01449 766771  


NEXT Parish Council Monday 9th September 2024






Village Defibrillator

I have recently taken on the guardianship of the village defibrillator and thought it would be a good time to remind villagers about the device.
Location - the defibrillator is located on the external wall of the village hall (next to the car park and emergency exit).
To access the device you will need to dial 999. They will then ask you for the cabinet number – 2334 and/or postcode of the device - IP23 8LX

These numbers are also on the outside of the defibrillator.

This information will be enable the 999 service to locate our defibrillator and give you the access code to allow you to get access to the device.

The defibrillator is portable and so can be taken to wherever it is needed in the village. 999 will talk you through how to use it and once it is switched on the device will also give you verbal and visual instructions.

Defibrillator training
No training is necessary to use the defibrillator but it would be useful if some villages have some training. I have contacted someone locally who can provide training for the defibrillator together with some resuscitation training. The cost of the training will be covered by the Parish Council and there are 10 places available for people who live in the village. The training takes about 2 hours and will include the use of a Resus Doll and training defibrillators.

If you are interested, please can you contact me as soon as possible. I can then organise a suitable date and time for the training.

If you have any queries regarding the defibrillator, please contact me. If I don’t know the answer, I will endeavour to find someone who does!

Julie Keable
01449 766771