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Parochial Church Council.




St Andrew’s Church Electoral Roll

Being on the electoral roll of the church entitles parishioners to vote at the Annual Parochial Church Meeting (APCM)

Each year the Electoral Roll has a revision before the APCM. This year the APCM will be on 18th April at 7pm in church, so a minor revision will begin on 27th March and the electoral roll will be closed from that date. The updated roll will be on display from Easter Sunday, 31st March, at all services in church. Anyone on the electoral roll can see it at any time by phoning me.

If you would like to join the Electoral Roll, please phone me or email mjonesevans@yahoo.co.uk and I can drop an application form in to you. The form will need to be with me before the closing date of 27th March.

Thank you all – Margaret Jones-Evans – 01449 767121





Please click here to read our latest annual report.