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Village Hall News



Village Hall News


Fete: a fantastic day, a really good village event. We were lucky yet again with the weather. Thanks very much to Katy Durrant, Jocelyn Bryant and Mark Little for organising it and thanks to all stall holders and everyone who supported this event. More details to follow in next month's magazine.


Village Hall Breakfast was a success and enjoyed by all those who attended. Thanks to Graham Hayne, our cook, and everyone who helped. Another one is planned in the Autumn.


Afternoon Tea: this was the fourth and final tea until the Autumn. Thanks to Jenny Elphick for getting the grant and organising these events. This was again enjoyed by those who attended. These events are a lot of work so extra help is very welcome.


No events in July and August. The next event is the Music on The Green, which is planned for the 7th September. Hopefully the weather will be good again. Thanks very much to Nigel Merriam and Steve McKie for organising this.


Also, we are planning a bar night and Halloween party in the Autumn on Saturday 26th October




We had a rather large electric bill in March. Please if you hire the hall, check the heaters are turned off when you leave – thanks. (it was a cold month!)


We need to refurbish the roof, as it is over 100 years old and leaking. We are currently researching grants to pay for the work.


Thanks to Rowland Warboys, our district councillor, for sorting out the grant to pay for the replacement fridge in the bar area.


We are in the process of looking for a new cleaner, if anyone is interested, or knows someone who is, please refer to the advert on the front page.






The Village Hall Committee Needs you!

The Village Hall plays an essential part in maintaining the community of Wickham Skeith and is run by a committee of volunteers. We would love to have more members to help with this important part of village life. We hold a meeting once a month and events throughout the year. No experience necessary, just a willingness to help out when you can!  If you are interested in participating, please contact Jenny Elphick on 07745419061 or jennymelphick@gmail.com














 Love this picture - It can stay a little longer!









It is with great pleasure that the Parish Council announce that Wickham Skeith now has a Defibrillator.  You may well have seen the yellow defibrillator cabinet on the wall of the village hall.  Should you need to call for an emergency ambulance for someone who has collapsed with a suspected heart attack, they will tell you the code to enter into the keypad to access the defibrillator. 


The Parish Council is currently looking at training providers and, once organised, there will be a list of training sessions published that will be free for people to attend.  There will also be an opening ceremony for our Wickham Skeith Defibrillator - more details to follow.


The Parish Council thanks Cllr Freeman and all those involved with fund raising events, enabling the launch of this project.





Village Emails:


Many of you will already receive emails from Kevin Knights giving details of up and coming events in the village. If you are not already receiving them but would like to, please email Kevin at ktk957@gmail.com They are sent as a blind carbon copy so your email remains private.