Home > St Andrew's Parish Church

St Andrew's Parish Church


St. Andrew’s Parish Church is the Church of England place of worship in the ecclesiastical parish of Wickham Skeith; it is part of a group of churches known as the "Bacton Benefice" which includes Bacton, Cotton, Wyverstone, Wickham Skeith, Old Newton and a chapel at Gipping.




St Andrew’s Church


Rev’d Stephen Snelling, Tailors Green House, Tailors Green, Bacton IP14 4LL

01449 782970    07775 833824  

Email - revstephen@tailorsgreenhouse.com


Wardens: Liz Davidson 766622 and Margaret Jones-Evans 767121 


Services in July 2024

All services at 9.30am in church unless otherwise stated


7th July      Holy Communion  

14th July    Café Church

21st July    Holy Communion

28th July    Morning Prayer



During August we are having a change from the usual pattern of services as we have done in previous summers and will have weekly Benefice services.


4th Aug 10.00 Bacton Church

11th Aug 10.00 Gipping Church

18th Aug 10.00 Wickham Skeith Church

25th Aug 10.00 Old Newton Church

Please support these services and ask a churchwarden about a lift if you need one.


Saint Andrew’s Church is the oldest building in the village. It costs at least £1200 per month to keep it open and useable and to pay the routine bills.  That figure does not include any repair projects that might be needed which at present include re-roofing the tower to keep the water out. If you’d like to help with the upkeep of this historic building, please support our fund-raising activities, use the QR code on the village hall notice board or visit the church when it is open during the day to make a donation using the contactless card reader.  You can also sign up to the Parish Giving Scheme if you are willing to make a regular donation – this is paid into the church bank account automatically and if you are eligible for Gift Aid this is also claimed and paid automatically ensuring a regular income for the church with less work for our Treasurer.  Please ask Liz if you would like to know more.  Thank you.


Weekly Email and News – if you’d like to sign up to receive our weekly news email, please contact the churchwardens.



Flower & Cleaning Rota


July 7th & 14th   Mr & Mrs I Hempstead

July 21st & 28th   Mrs J Kemp & Mrs S Merriam   




Church Notes from Rev'd Stephen


We are in a time of change. By the time this edition of the magazine hits your doormats it will only be a few days until the General Election and all that it will bring in the shape of a new Government. It will also be nearly time for summer holidays. Children (and teachers) are looking forward eagerly to the end of school, and grown-ups are making their holiday preparations, looking for an escape from the pressures and demands of work and daily routine. “You need a holiday” we say to someone who is looking care-worn and harassed; “I need a holiday”, we say when things are not going well and we’re not giving of our best. I am having an enforced holiday at the moment having fallen and broken my wrist.

This time of change also means that some will leave school this year to go on to further education at sixth form colleges or universities and others will be starting out in paid employment for the first time.

Many of our public holidays were, of course, originally religious festivals, and the Bible recognises our need for time out. Relaxation and refreshment are essential to healthy human living. The church has a double rhythm of holidays - a yearly cycle of festivals, and the weekly cycle of six working days followed by a day set apart for rest, relaxation and worship.

So please enjoy your holidays, look forward to the changes that may be coming up in your lives or those of your family. When the autumn comes remember that the church is there for you, whether you are a regular churchgoer who may have moved into the area, or you have never been to church before, or you used to go or have stopped going for whatever reason. You will be welcomed.

Revd Stephen  








Data Protection

Like every other organisation the church has to consider the data protection legislation, so St Andrew’s Church and the Bacton benefice need your permission before they keep your name and details on file. The information will be used to send the weekly pew sheet, to record you as a voting member of the church on the Electoral Roll, for the Rector to know who the members of the church are so he can visit and get to know you etc.

You may have received an email with a form to fill in, or a paper form dropped through your door. Do please fill one of these in if you would like to be involved with the Church in this village and send to our new Rector, the Rev’d Carl Melville. He is eager to get to know the people in the churches and villages in his new benefice.

If you haven’t had a form through your door or via email do please ask for one from Liz Davidson or Margaret Jones-Evans

Keep safe everyone – Margaret Jones-Evans