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What's On

Welcome to our What's On page.  Everything happening during the coming month is listed here, but but please check the Village Hall and News pages for information about events that are planned for later on.

See, also, Neighbour's Events at Occold,  Debenham, Pettaugh, Redlingfield, Thornham and Thorndon.



Moonshot 1 

                                                       Moonlight Serenade



Northern lights 2

                                                And then Northern Lights!




Dates for your diary


All in the Village Hall unless otherwise stated.


Saturday 29th June   

                               ‘What’s Not to Like’ – music & comedy 7.30 St Andrews Church

July 2024


Saturday 6th            Book Sale and Coffee 10am @ Highbanks 1 Broadway

Wednesday 10th     Lunch Club 12 for 12.30 Advance Bookings Please

Saturday 13th          Crafternoon 2-4pm

Thursday 25th         Mobile Library Van at 2 stops 9.50 and 10.10am

August 2024

 Saturday 3rd          Book Sale and Coffee 10am @ Highbanks 1 Broadway




Village Hall News

Fete: a fantastic day, a really good village event. We were lucky yet again with the weather. Thanks very much to Katy Durrant, Jocelyn Bryant and Mark Little for organising it and thanks to all stall holders and everyone who supported this event. More details to follow in next month's magazine.

Village Hall Breakfast was a success and enjoyed by all those who attended. Thanks to Graham Hayne, our cook, and everyone who helped. Another one is planned in the Autumn.

Afternoon Tea: this was the fourth and final tea until the Autumn. Thanks to Jenny Elphick for getting the grant and organising these events. This was again enjoyed by those who attended. These events are a lot of work so extra help is very welcome.


No events in July and August. The next event is the Music on The Green, which is planned for the 7th September. Hopefully the weather will be good again. Thanks very much to Nigel Merriam and Steve McKie for organising this.


Also, we are planning a bar night and Halloween party in the Autumn on Saturday 26th October



We had a rather large electric bill in March. Please if you hire the hall, check the heaters are turned off when you leave – thanks. (it was a cold month!)

We need to refurbish the roof, as it is over 100 years old and leaking. We are currently researching grants to pay for the work.

Thanks to Rowland Warboys, our district councillor, for sorting out the grant to pay for the replacement fridge in the bar area.


We are in the process of looking for a new cleaner, if anyone is interested, or knows someone who is, please refer to the advert on the front page.




Cleaner Required for Wickham Skeith Village Hall

The Village Hall Committee are seeking to employ a cleaner once a week, for one and a half hours, to clean the Village Hall.

This is a paid position and there is no need to live in the village

If you are interested in this role or know anyone who may be interested, then please contact Jenny Elphick at jennymelphick@gmail.com   or contact Rosemarie Hayne at wsvh.treasurer@gmail.com or   



General Election 4th July 2024

Wickham Skeith Village Hall will be open for voting between 7am and 10pm Don’t forget you need to bring photographic ID such as a driving licence or passport.




Coffee Morning Book Sales continue at 10am at Margaret’s Highbanks, 1, Broadway on

6th July, 3rd August and 14th September.

The Ride and Stride will also be 14th Sept but hopefully you can do both!



National Grid Pylon Consultation

Deadline for comments extended to Friday 26th July 2024. Webinar for our area on 10 July 6-7pm See nationalgrid.com/Norwich-to-tilbury for details. 




Whatever your art or craft bring along your current project. Share skills, ideas, tips and techniques. Inspire and be inspired in the company of other creative people.

 If you have an ‘arty’ or ‘crafty’ friend then bring them too.

Next Crafternoon on Saturday 13th July 2-4pm

Entry: £2.50 per person (inc. tea/coffee/biscuits).    





Fundraising for St Andrew’s Church


We need to replace the roof of the church tower:


What’s Not to Like

Five people from local villages will provide an evening of comedy and live music in the church at 7.30pm on Saturday 29th June. We’ll have wine and nibbles in the interval. Tickets cost £8 with under 16s free, Available from Liz and John Evans 


Book Sale coffee mornings

6th July and 3rd August are the next two dates, they will start at 10am at Margaret’s Highbanks, 1, Broadway. Books, jigsaws, home-made cards, raffle and delicious refreshments to eat in or take away. Come and chat or just buy and take a carrier bag of books home – it’s all money for the church and we are very grateful for it.








Every Wednesday from 5-6pm, Francesca offers physiotherapist-led Pilates at the village hall.

Pilates is an excellent form of low-impact exercise, that helps to strengthen not only the core, but the whole body and mind, too.

Suitable for mixed abilities; the only necessity is that you can comfortably get on/off the floor.

For queries or booking details, please contact Francesca: francescadavey@outlook.com





The Suffolk Mobile Library van stops in the lay-by outside the chalet bungalows, from 9.50 to 10.05am. Then outside Haymead House in The Street from 10.10 to 10.25.    


Next visit 25th July & 22nd August 2024.


Why not join the Library for books, CDs ad DVDs. Books on mobile libraries can be borrowed for 8 weeks. It is easy to sign up – just pop into the van on its next visit.  




The next syndicate deadline is 30 June. Any orders please to jerrybassett@icloud.com.



Wickham Skeith Oil Syndicate - how it works


Our village oil scheme has been running for 14 years now and in the last year ordered well over 100,000 litres of discounted oil for its members.  if you’re not a member and would like to join, just drop me an email with contact details or give me a call if you don’t have email.


There’ll be five opportunities to place orders over the next 12 months.

On or before:

-  30 September

-  30 November

-  31 January

-  31 March

-  30 June


Before each of these dates I’ll place a reminder in the village newsletter and also send you an email reminder.  Then let me know by email (or phone) that you’d like to be included in the next order. I’ll need to know:

- address and telephone number(s) - unless you’ve ordered before

- quantity required (min 500 litres)

- any special instructions - eg concerning delivery

Within a couple of days of the above dates, a bulk order will be placed with the oil company which offers the best deal, which is usually several pence per litre lower than the price available to customers who order individually.  I'll let you know the same day:
- the name of the company

- price

- expected delivery date

- the company's contact details in case you need to speak to them directly

I'll pass your address and phone numbers to the company which will contact you (but normally only if you don't already have an account with them) and they’ll bill you directly.


If you've any questions please ring Jerry on 765908 or email jerrybassett@icloud.com



59 Club

 Recent winning numbers:  May – 13; Jun – 9, 59, 22, 34.  




Village Defibrillator

As villagers will be aware our defibrillator was used over the Easter weekend. This sad event has highlighted the importance of this piece of equipment to the village. So, I thought I would remind people about the device.


Defibrillator Guardian

I am the Guardian of the defibrillator and as such am responsible for the upkeep of the device and ensuring that it is ready for use. Please contact me if there any problems regarding the defibrillator or if you have any questions. My contact details are:

Julie Keable, Hawthorn Cottage, The Street, Wickham Skeith.

Tel. 01449 766771 or 07724577383


My contact details will now be in the village Newsletter every month.


Location of Defibrillator

The cabinet containing the defibrillator is on the external wall of the village hall (next to the car park and emergency exit).


In the event of an emergency -         DIAL 999


They will ask you for the cabinet number – 2336 and Postcode – IP23 8LX


These numbers are also on the outside of the defibrillator cabinet. The 999 service will then give you the access code to allow you to open the cabinet. The defibrillator is portable and so can be taken to wherever it is needed.


999 will talk you through how to use the device and, once switched on, the device will also give you verbal and visual instructions.


You do not need training to use the device and once the pads are attached it will tell you when to shock and if NOT to shock.


The defibrillator cabinet also contains a defibrillator responder’s kit, which has cleansing wipes, tissues, disposable gloves, a razor, scissors for cutting clothing and a res-Cue mask if it is needed for CPR.



Please let me know the defibrillator has been used and return it to me. If I am not in leave me a message and, if possible, give the defibrillator to another member of the Parish Council.


DO NOT let the emergency services take the defibrillator with them. I have spare pads and can get the device fully working again.             Thank you. Julie Keable















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