Home > St Andrew's Parish Church

St Andrew's Parish Church




St. Andrew’s Parish Church is the Church of England place of worship in the ecclesiastical parish of Wickham Skeith; it is part of a group of churches known as the "Bacton Benefice" which includes Bacton, Cotton, Wyverstone, Wickham Skeith, Old Newton and a chapel at Gipping.


Wardens: Liz Davidson 766622 and Margaret Jones-Evans 767121 




St Andrew’s Church 


Services in February 2025

All services at 9.30am unless otherwise stated


2nd February  Holy Communion

9th Feb          Café Church

16th Feb        Holy Communion

23rd Feb       Morning Prayer

2nd March     Holy Communion 

Wed 5th March, 7pm  Benefice Communion & Ashing , Bacton

Fri 7th March, 2pm  World Day of Prayer service at Wetherden Church 

Thank you to all our windowsill decorators, your efforts were admired by everyone at our Christmas services.  The collection at the Carol Service and at the Christmas Eve service raised £195.15 for Médecins sans Frontières who provide medical assistance in places of conflict, epidemic and disaster. Card reader usage at the two services also boosted church funds, towards repair of the tower roof, by £242. Thank you to everyone who came for your generosity.

Lent begins on Wednesday 5th March, with an Ashing Communion at Bacton Church.

“World Day of Prayer: a women led, global, ecumenical movement.” As usual there will be a World Day of Prayer service in our area on the first Friday in March. Each year the service is planned by women in a different country of the world. This year the service will be hosted by Wetherden Church on March 7th. It is entitled ‘I made you wonderful’ and has been prepared by the women of the Cook Islands. It is always an enjoyable service; everyone is welcome & we look forward to seeing a good crowd.


Weekly Email and News – if you would like to sign up to receive our weekly news email, please contact the churchwardens.


Flower & Cleaning Rota

Feb 2nd & 9th Mrs E Davidson & Mrs J Willoughby

Feb 16th & 23rd Miss M Jones-Evans & Mrs A Palmer

Mar 2nd & 9th Miss R Elsden & Mrs J Keable


If you were expecting a new flower and cleaning rota but have not received yours yet, please let Liz Davidson know (eadavidson42@gmail.com, 766622). It is not too late to volunteer, we always welcome new helpers!






Data Protection

Like every other organisation the church has to consider the data protection legislation, so St Andrew’s Church and the Bacton benefice need your permission before they keep your name and details on file. The information will be used to send the weekly pew sheet, to record you as a voting member of the church on the Electoral Roll, for the Rector to know who the members of the church are so he can visit and get to know you etc.

You may have received an email with a form to fill in, or a paper form dropped through your door. Do please fill one of these in if you would like to be involved with the Church in this village and send to our new Rector, the Rev’d Carl Melville. He is eager to get to know the people in the churches and villages in his new benefice.

If you haven’t had a form through your door or via email do please ask for one from Liz Davidson or Margaret Jones-Evans

Keep safe everyone – Margaret Jones-Evans