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Parish Councils do not have a statutory responsibility for services such as planning. The responsibility for the discharge of this function in the majority of cases rests with District and Borough Councils as the Local Authority. For Wickham Skeith this is Mid Suffolk District Council.

How to search for planning applications at Mid Suffolk District Council 

To search for an application go to the Mid Suffolk site and search for Planning Applications, Appeals and Enforcements by keyword, application reference, postcode or by a single line of an address.

Please note that Mid Suffolk has stated that due to COVID-19 -  all planning applications, correspondence and payments should now be submitted electronically.

Wickham Skeith Parish Council and its role in the planning function

Under the Town and Country Planning Act 1990, Schedule 1, paragraph 8, the Parish Council has the power to be notified of planning applications affecting the council's area and to comment upon each application that affects its administrative area.